Hara Vidyalaya

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Need for Project

The main theme of the Hara Vidyalaya project revolves around a “zero-waste” approach at school level which involves recycling, reclamation and reuse of various resources involving teachers and students. 

Students are the easiest one to tackle and convince about the significance of reduction, recycling and sustainability. They are the route for changes in adult behavior and thinking towards reduction and recycling.


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Green Student Initiatives

To develop and inculcate environmental awareness among students, learning of students to real practice of composting and application of recycling at school level.

Sustainable School Culture

Inculcate a culture of recycling and sustainability throughout the school system

School Waste Targeting

To target waste from all areas of schools.

Recycling Behavior Transformation

To change recycling behaviors within schools to understand the process of recycling and biodegradable waste.

Student Environmental Impact

To assess the impact on student knowledge towards environment sustainability, awareness and practice in the nearby community.

Creating Harmony Between Humans and Nature

At Harajeevan, we are passionate about ushering in a green revolution and creating a sustainable future. Through our ongoing projects, we are actively working towards transforming communities, promoting eco-friendly practices, and fostering a harmonious relationship between humans and nature. Join us on our mission to build a greener, more resilient world.

Need for Project

Tree Walk/Nature Walk/ Story Telling

Students were acquainted with various kinds of trees in the school premises with a brief description of their importance and benefits. Nature Walk Excursions to one of the six biodiversity parks, gardens or herbaria was arranged. Stories that connect students and nature through their daily lives were also narrated to the participants.

Native Tree plantation and Maintenance

Plantation of some of species Neem, Peepal, Arjun, Jamun, Dhau (Anogeissus pendula), Palash (Butea monosperma) Shahtoot (mulberry tree) etc. along with watering and mulching in campus. Moreover, they were provided with saplings to grow at home. For longer run maintenance, responsibility was given to the Eco Club of the school. An eco-friendly events were conducted where students helped create seed balls- seeds wrapped in healthy soil mix.

Tree Census

Students were taught how to check the health of the trees in and around their school campus. Students themselves counted the number of trees in their schools as well as learnt different types of species.


Students were sensitized about managing school waste at  individual and community level. They were taught about the waste  management and segregation of biodegradable and non-biodegradable  waste. Secondly, Mesh Composting Units were installed in each of the schools for garden waste (dry grass & leaves, flowers, twigs & branches). Identification of  location for installation of mesh was done with the help of Eco club of  schools.

Nest box for birds

Installation of sparrow boxes, adequately supplied with  water and seeds, so they may find shelter from marauding pigeons. To this end, children came to know how to make a sparrow box with the help of used cartons, carry it home and set it up at a vantage point where sparrows can come and inhabit it.

Harvesting of Composites

It was done with students and Hara Jeevan’s helpers.  Through this students realized the importance of compost which  encouraged them to start composting at their home front too.

Recycled Plastic Planters/ Best out of waste

The purpose of this workshop was to make children realize the importance of plastic waste that can be used as any decorative material in their house. The thought behind this activity is to create the best out of plastic waste and make schools look creative and innovative and to instil awareness at the individual level. Saplings of money plants and spider plants were planted in plastic bottles that could be collected by the students themselves from the schools or were provided by Hara Jeevan. Later on these planters were hanged in school gardens.

With these initiatives, schools have been able to reduce their waste to a great extent. Waste reduction projects and extensive training/education workshops are very important for a program to come up with flying colors.

Zero Waste has been one of the key concepts to reform the thinking of our community towards reduction and recycling. It has also helped our community by teaching our younger generation how to compost. Eventually students will be able to carry these skills and behavior into adulthood and protect our mother earth in the long run.


Hara zero-waste schools
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Students & Teachers Sensitized
Composting Units Installed
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